The Blind Side
Release Date: November 20th, 2009
Rated PG-13 for one scene involving brief violence, drug and sexual referances.
Running time: 128 minutes
John Lee Hancock(dir.)
John Lee Hancock (Screenwriter)
Based on the book The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game by Michael Lewis
Carter Burwell (music)
Sandra Bullock as Leigh Anne Tuohy
Tim McGraw as Sean Tuohy
Quinton Aaron as Michael Oher
Jae Head as SJ Tuohy
Lily Collins as Collins Tuohy
Ray McKinnon as Coach Cotton
Kim Dickens as Mrs. Boswell
Adriane Lenox as Denise Oher
BS-16478 QUINTON AARON as Michael Oher and SANDRA BULLOCK as Leigh Anne Tuohy in Alcon Entertainment’s drama “The Blind Side,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release. Photo by Ralph Nelson
Our reviews below:
The Blind Side Review By John C.
***1/2 (out of 4)
The Blind Side is the true story of Michael Oher, a poor, undereducated teenager living in a rough neighbourhood on someone’s couch. With the help of a friend, he is enrolled in a Christian school and catches the eye of the football coach. There he meets the Touhy’s, a family whose kids attend the school. When the mother Leigh Anne, played very well by Sandra Bullock, notices him walking to the school gym on a freezing November night, she invites him to stay at their house. What follows is an incredible story of hope, and of a sports star born out of nowhere.
The acting is all good, in particular Quentin Aaron as the incredibly likable Michael. Sandra Bullock is surprisingly good, in somewhat of a comeback. And though he never ages over the span of the film, young Jae Head gives a funny and very good performance as the precocious S.J..
What worked for me about this film, is that it never felt sappy or contrived. It’s sweet, but it’s also straight up and to the point, as it is largely based on a true story.
The Blind Side is the kind of film that will either work, or it won’t. And thankfully, this film really works. It’s an inspirational crowd-pleaser, it’s a tear-jerker drama, and it’s also a classic sports movie. This is one of the nice surprises of the year, and I think you should go see this film over the holidays.
The Blind Side Review By Erin V.
***3/4 (out of 4)
Based on the true story of football player Michael Oher, The Blind Side is the perfect movie to see at this time of the year, due to it’s messages - particularly for those who celebrate American Thanksgiving.
What I really liked about The Blind Side is the fact that first and foremost, this is not so much a movie about football, as it is about family. It is a touching true story that is not made to be overly dramatized, or played that way, for the theatre. The actors are all excellent in their roles, which if you watch the featurette on Apple Trailers, you will see are cast perfectly.
As it said in the production notes, Michael could represent anyone. He could have become anything - not necessarily a football player - once he was given the chance and opportunity. But the thing about this story is, that each of the people in real life seem to have such interesting and distinct personalities, which are what made the events unfold the way they did.
Now, I am not a football watcher, so I have no idea really about the rules of the game. That being said, it did make the football scenes a little bit confusing for me at times as to what was going on, but like I said, the movie is more about the people than the game itself.
I think most people will really like this movie - football fans or not. This is one that you really should go see with the family - that is those about 10 and up. When it comes out eventually on DVD, this is one I would gladly watch again.
The Blind Side Review By Nicole
***1/2 (out of 4)
It’s not every day that you see a decent movie about family values. The Blind Side is one of these films. This movie tells the inspiring true story of the football player, Michael Oher. he starts out as a homeless teen from a rough neighbourhood. Michael struggles in school, and longs for a family. he has only a few friends, one being a young boy named S.J. One day, S.J.’s mother notices Michael wandering in the cold. Her parental instincts are Strong, so she takes him in. Michael soon becomes part of the family. His grades improve, and his protective instincts make him a good football player. This story proves that, with love, anything is possible.
I really liked The Blind Side. Sandra Bullock is believable as protective mother Leigh Anne Tuohy, as is Tim McGraw as father Sean Tuohy. The young actors seem really natural. Jae Head is hilarious as S.J., and Quinton Aaron plays the innocent role of Michael.
The Blind Side is a very sweet movie. It is never cloying, and has just the right balance between drama and heart. I would recommend The Blind Side to anyone ages 10 to 100.
The Blind Side Review By Maureen
***1/2 (out of 4)
“The Blind Side” is a heart-warming movie with a lot of soul. Based on the true story of American football player Michael Oher, the movie chronicles the years he spent with the Touhy family after they took him in off the street.
“The Blind Side” could have gone over the top with drama and sentimentality. There are certainly enough story elements that could have pushed it in that direction. Fortunately this movie delivers an uplifting, often funny and very satisfying story.
One of the reasons “The Blind Side” is so good is the excellent acting by the entire cast. Sandra Bullock’s performance as the feisty, Leigh Anne Touhy with the strong Mama bear instincts is wonderful. This is probably her best performance in recent years. Quinton Aaron as the gentle giant, Michael Oher gives a quiet, entirely believable performance. The comic relief in this film comes from Jae Head who plays the lovable precocious little brother, S.J. Touhy.
This is very much a movie about family values, unconditional love and acceptance and racial attitudes. It is also a football movie. Viewers like myself who are not football fans may find all the football scenes a little much, but this is after all a movie about a football player.
With the holidays just around the corner, this is a really nice movie to see as a family. The subject matter is too mature for younger children but fine for teens and adults. The Blind Side is a wonderful story of what can go right in this world with the power of love.
The Blind Side Review By Tony
*** (out of 4)
The Blind Side, based on a book and true story, is the story of Michael Oher (Quinton Aaron), a sweet but troubled boy from the Memphis ghetto who was taken in by strong-willed Leigh Anne Tuohy (Sandra Bullock) and her wealthy Christian family. Despite severe learning challenges, with the help of a tutor (Kathy Bates), he was able to get sufficient grades in a private almost all white Christian school for an athletic scholarship and NFL career.
Directed by John Lee Hancock, The Blind Side manages to be inspirational while avoiding the trap of cloying sentimentality. Sports fans (myself not included) will particularly enjoy the football footage and cameos of various college recruiters and other sports celebrities playing themselves. As seen from images of the real people in the closing credits and website interviews, the strong cast was faithful to all of the folks they were portraying.
Consensus: The Blind Side is a really good movie to go see as the holiday season approaches. Based on a true story, it is not overly dramatized and is carried well thanks to an excellent cast. ***1/2 (Out of 4)
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