By John C.
Precious: Based on the Novel “Push” by Sapphire was the front runner for a little while, but it proved to just not be strong enough to hold its own as Best Picture, as the season went on.
The film will be honoured with a very deserving win for Mo’Nique come Oscar night. The speech that her character gives at the end of the film is solid proof at how disturbingly good a performance it was.
Precious is nominated for 6 Oscars.
A Serious Man is the Coen brothers’ brilliantly philosophical tragi-comedy. Though in the eyes of the Academy, it doesn’t have the same grand-scale tone as their Oscar-winning No Country for Old Men, and that’s why it’s not one of the front runners for Best Picture.
Though it won’t actually win any Academy Awards, (small chance it could be a dark horse for Best Original Screenplay, but not likely), A Serious Man is a great film, Oscars or not.
A Serious Man is nominated for 2 Oscars.
(Part 1) Avatar so Popular, that other Contenders are Blind Sided
(Part 2) Voters are Educated, but these Contenders are Relegated to the 9th District
(Part 3) The Basterds’ Hurt by the Locker’s Lock
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