The September Issue - An E1 Films’ Release
DVD Release Date: February 23rd, 2010
Rated PG for mature themes and coarse language
Running time: 90 minutes
R.J. Cutler (dir.)
Craig Richey (music)
Anna Wintour as Herself
Our reviews below:
The September Issue DVD Review By John C.
*** (out of 4)
Remember the film The Devil Wears Prada? Where Meryl Streep played the uptight editor of a fashion magazine? Well, this documentary makes you realize just how brilliant a performance it was. The shallow-harshness, yet love of fashion that was depicted in that fictional film, are all on display here, if not quite as drastic.
This is the story of Anna Wintour. The famed, but famously hard to work with, editor of Vogue Magazine. Though the film is a bit long, and didn't quite keep my utmost interest from beginning to end, it is still a well made, entertaining, and worth watching look behind-the-scenes at the fashion industry. Though not groundbreaking, it's worth renting, regardless of whether or not you're a reader of Vogue.
The two-disc "double issue" edition of the DVD includes audio commentary with director R.J. Cutler, over 20 deleted scenes, (over an hour of extra footage), and exclusive behind-the-scenes photos.
The September Issue Review By Erin V.
**1/4 (out of 4)
The September Issue is about the weeks leading up to the release of the huge new September issue of Vogue. Giving a unique look at the world run by Anna Wintour, and populated by famous models, designers, editors, and photographers, this documentary will be quite fascinating for some.
A couple of years back, The Devil Wears Prada was released, a fictional story about the fashion world that bares a remarkable resemblance to the world depicted in this documentary. I did find it interesting watching the world of fashion, although I really don’t have much interest in it.
I suppose if you are into the fashion industry, then this film would definitely hold your interest. It is overall well made, but I found it to be a little too long watching the same things over and over again for an hour and a half.
The September Issue DVD Review By Nicole
*** (out of 4)
When I watched this film, I found it hard to believe that some of these people are for real. Watching Anna Wintour, editor of Vogue Magazine, boss the photographers around as well as seeing all the models and fashion designers work was like watching The Devil Wears Prada. I felt sorry for photographer and creative director Grace Coddington when, after working so hard, would have her photos rejected by Wintour.
This documentary is funny, not to mention the costumes, which are mostly absurd. The film does drag a bit, and would have been better at 75 minutes, as opposed to 90. However, for those into fashion, The September Issue is an interesting documentary to check out.
The September Issue DVD Review By Maureen
*** (out of 4)
I have fond memories of heading back to university in the fall with the big September issue of Vogue packed into my bag. There was something about the pages and pages of unrealistic but beautiful fashions that I would never wear. This was a fun fantasy world that made me feel very grown-up.
Director R.J. Cutler has created a documentary, The September Issue, that gives a fascinating peek into the creative, frantic and temper mental world of creating Vogue. It was interesting and entertaining to watch editor in chief, Anna Wintour and her long time colleague creative director, Grace Coddington in their power struggle to each assert their own creative control over the magazine.
While the film drags a little at times, it still is an entertaining and fascinating glimpse into the world of high fashion. If you're a Vogue reader, you'll want to check out The September Issue on DVD.
The September Issue DVD Review By Tony
*** (out of 4)
The September Issue follows the preparation of the 2007 issue of Vogue, which had a record 840 pages. Naturally, comparisons have been made with The Devil Wears Prada, with Meryl Streep portraying the all-powerful editor-in-chief as a vain insensitive taskmaster capable only of cutting criticism and never praise. The actual boss Anna Wintour appears to be much more personable, at least while the documentary camera is rolling, offering praise where it is deserved and more gentle criticism when needed than in the fictional story. Though her creative staff know her decision is final, they are not too intimidated to defend their work when she criticises it. In fact, the film covers many aspects of the issue’s creation, with the boss only one of a large cast of creative talent working in New York, Paris, London, and Rome. It is well-paced and maintains interest for folks like us who would otherwise have nothing to do with the fashion industry.
Consensus: Though the film does drag at points, The September Issue is an interesting, and at times unbelievable, behind-the-scenes look at the fashion industry, and what goes into the making of a September issue of Vogue Magazine. **3/4 (Out of 4)
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